problem with css3 webkit transform rotation

After using jQuery to append my signpost div to the DOM, I encountered an issue where its width and height were not being affected by webkit transforms. When I removed the transforms, the div displayed correctly. My goal is to append the div and then animate it with a rotation from -90deg to 0deg, using a pivot point at the bottom of the div.

This is my CSS:

#signpost {
    background: url("../imgs/signpost.png");
    background-size:cover ;
    width:213px ;
    height:232px ;
    left:2em ;
    z-index:999999 ;
    -webkit-transform-origin:80% 50% ;

Answer №1

The solution was provided by @MrLister in response to the question raised:

... but the width and height dont seem to work with the webkit transforms in place. if i take the transforms out i can see my div

It seems that another type of transform is being used based on your query.

An object rotated (Y or X) by 90 degrees becomes invisible:

Check out the demo here


<div class="notRotated">not rotated</div>
<div class="rotated30">rotated(Y) 30 deg </div>
<div class="rotated60">rotated(Y) 60 deg </div>
<div class="rotated80">rotated(Y) 80 deg </div>
<div class="rotated90">rotated(Y) 90 deg </div>

Demo CSS

    background : blue;
        height : 50px;
         width : 200px;
        margin : 20px;
         color : white;
    transform : rotateY(30deg);
    transform : rotateY(60deg);
    transform : rotateY(80deg);
    transform : rotateY(90deg);

Answer №2

Apologies for the lack of details, I mistakenly thought that using rotate in CSS3 would automatically animate, but it turns out that was not the case!

I've been tasked with converting a flash-based questionnaire into a CSS3/jQuery website to cater to mobile users. One challenge I faced was creating a rotating animation for the sign in the bottom left corner of the screen. After some trial and error, I managed to achieve this by utilizing a separate class for the animation and adding it when needed.

For the jQuery part:


And for the CSS part:

#signpost {
    background: url("../imgs/signpost.png");
    background-size:cover ;
    width:213px ;
    height:232px ;
    left:-213px ;
    bottom:-4em ;
    z-index:999999 ;
    cursor:pointer ;
.animaterotation {
    -webkit-animation-name:             rotate; 
    -webkit-animation-duration:         0.35s; 
    -webkit-animation-iteration-count:  1;
    -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;

@-webkit-keyframes rotate {
  from {
            transform-origin:0% 80%;
            -ms-transform-origin:0% 80%; /* IE 9 */
            -webkit-transform-origin:0% 80%; /* Safari and Chrome */

            transform: rotate(-90deg);
            -ms-transform: rotate(-90deg);
            -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg);
  to { 
            transform: rotate(0deg);
            -ms-transform: rotate(0deg);
            -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);

Original link:

My version link:

Once again, my apologies for the confusion,


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