utilizing a dynamic value within CSS modules for class naming

Struggling to incorporate a variable into a CSS module class name in Next.js. Finding it challenging to determine the correct syntax.

The variable is fetched from the API:

const type = red

Here's how I'm attempting to achieve it:

<div className={` ${styles.background} ${styles.--type}`}></div>

The desired outcome:

<div className={` ${styles.background} ${styles.--red}`></div>

Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?

Answer №1

Uncertain of your desired outcome.

Consider this approach:

const category = 'red';

<div className={`${styles.background} ${styles.category}`}></div>

Alternatively, if adopting BEM with the -- convention is preferred, transitioning to bracket notation may be necessary.

const category = '--red';

<div className={`${styles.background} ${styles[category]}`}></div>

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