react-datepicker displaying error message "Preventing default action not possible within a passive event listener invocation"

I've integrated the react-datepicker library in portal mode. While it functions well on browsers, I encounter an error when using mobile browser mode.

An issue arises stating: "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener invocation"

Despite trying to resolve it by adding touch-action: none; to my calendar CSS, the problem persists.

Currently, the event of the calendar is not prevented on mobile devices. To observe this, you can test it on their demo site - Portal Version. Please ensure to view the site in mobile browser mode.

Any suggestions on how to fix this error?

Answer №1

Have you checked for anything blocking prevent default, such as 'e' or 'event'? If present, ensure it is defined within the function. I'm still learning React, but this issue reminds me of challenges I faced in jQuery and JavaScript.

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