Tips for changing the style ID depending on the variable value

Currently, I am exploring the possibility of switching CSS styles using jQuery through a simple if condition. Is there an easy method to switch styles based on IDs? In my case, I have two CSS blocks each with different IDs.

Here is an example:

<style id="styleA">
.myDiv {
    display: none; 

<style id="styleB">
.myDiv {
    display: block; 

<div class="myDiv">Lorem</div>

<script type="text/javascript">

        var style = 4;

                if (style < 5)
                    //apply css from styleA
                    //apply css from styleB

Answer №1

Your code has a multitude of errors that need addressing.

Start by familiarizing yourself with the style tag:

The style tag does not use any specific id (aside from generic behavior), but you can utilize the title for alternative styles or employ the scoped attribute and place the style tag within the element requiring formatting.

A more optimal approach would be to define additional classes in a single style tag for the same element. For example:

.myDiv.hidden {
    display: none; 

.myDiv.shown {
    display: block; 

This simplifies the process of switching styles by simply adding or removing class names from elements. Instead of using hidden/shown, consider using class names that include a number from your style variable.

Furthermore, the logic in your if/else block appears to be flawed.

Answer №2

To enhance the styling options, I suggest assigning a specific class to the body element based on the style value:


This approach allows for easy customization of styles for different types.
For instance:

body.style4 .myDiv{
body.style5 .myDiv{

Answer №3

Test out the following code snippet:

<style type="text/css>
    .custom-style1 {
        display: none; 

    .custom-style2 {
        display: block; 

    <div id="myCustomDiv" class="">Lorem</div>

    <script type="text/javascript>

            var customStyle = 4;

                    if (customStyle < 5)

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