Is it possible to maintain tab focus instead of visual focus when navigating past the skip navigation menu for improved accessibility?

My website features an accessibility skip navigation menu that utilizes named anchors to navigate to different content areas.

These content areas, including the top menu, left menu, main body content, and footer menus, contain links within them.

When I use the tab key to navigate to the skip nav menu and click on one of the links, it successfully shifts the visual focus to the corresponding content area.

However, when I continue tabbing, it only cycles through the remaining skip nav items instead of the links within the newly selected content area.

I expected the tabbing to proceed through the links within the content area I just "jumped" to.

Currently, no tabindex attributes are set on any elements.

Since I am using HTML5, I am curious if it is possible to programmatically adjust the tabindex value to 1 for the element I have just navigated to. This adjustment may potentially start the tabbing process from a new position.

Would this approach negatively impact accessibility?

Thank you in advance for any assistance or advice provided.

Answer №1

We recently encountered the same issue and discovered two separate browser glitches...

In Internet Explorer, it is essential to specify a width for the element you intend to navigate to in order for the feature to function properly.

The problem also arises in Webkit browsers (Chrome/Safari), although as far as I am aware, there is no known solution for these browsers (though I would appreciate any corrections if someone has one!)

Using tabindex is generally discouraged; instead, focus on structuring the HTML logically so that the tab order naturally flows correctly on its own.

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