Angular Material Sidenav fails to cover the entire screen while scrolling

When scrolling, the Sidenav is not expanding to take up 100% of the screen and it continues to scroll along with the page content.

<div layout="column">
    <section layout="row" flex>
        <!-- sidenav content -->
        <md-sidenav class="md-sidenav-left"
            <md-content layout-padding></md-content>
        <md-content flex layout-padding>
            <!-- page content -->
            <md-content>Page Content</md-content>

Answer №1

To implement the md-sidenav, make sure it is positioned outside of the main div:

<!-- sidenav content -->
<md-sidenav class="md-sidenav-left"
    <md-content layout-padding></md-content>

<div layout="column">
    <section layout="row" flex>
        <md-content flex layout-padding>
            <!-- main content on the page -->
            <md-content>Page Content</md-content>

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