What is the process for setting an object's property as a href in an AJAX call?

I've got a quick query. How can I assign an object's property to the href attribute? I've indicated the line with a comment.

success: function (listOfTags) {
        let tagData = '';
        $.each(listOfTags, function (i, tag) {
            // HERE
            tagData += '<a href="http://localhost:5557/questions/tagged/' + tag.id + '"><li class="post-tag">' + tag.name + '</li></a>';


Answer №1

Check out this revised solution:

tagData += `<a href="http://localhost:5557/questions/tagged/${tag.id}"><li class="post-tag">${tag.name}</li></a>`;

To ensure proper HTML structure, the anchor tag should be inside the list item, and both should be nested within a ul element as shown below:

//before the loop
tagData += '<ul>';

tagData += `<li class="post-tag"><a href="http://localhost:5557/questions/tagged/${tag.id}">${tag.name}</a></li>`;

//after the loop
tagData += '</ul>';

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