Using TypeScript, pass an image as a prop in a Styled Component

I am facing an issue with the code below that is supposed to display the "NoBillsLaptopPNG.src" image on the screen, but for some reason, the image is not showing up.

The images are being imported correctly, so I'm unsure why the image is not appearing as expected.

import NoBillsMobilePNG from "../../public/assets/quotes/no-bills-mobile.png"
import NoBillsLaptopPNG from "../../public/assets/quotes/no-bills-laptop.png"

export const NoBillsSummary = () => {
  return <div>

const TestImg = styled.img<{
  NoBillsMobilePNG: string;
  NoBillsLaptopPNG: string;
// the src of the image is passed in as props because a media query will be added later to switch between images

src: url(${(NoBillsLaptopPNG) => NoBillsLaptopPNG.src});

width : 126.07px;
height : 107.59px;
margin-top: 2px;

Answer №1

When utilizing the TestImg component, you pass src as props to NoBillsLaptopPNG.

A more appropriate name for props would be NoBillsLaptopPngSrc.

If you are styling TestImg, the input parameter for NoBillsLaptopPNG is already src. Therefore, referencing its src field again is redundant.

Consider this alternative approach:

 src: url(${(NoBillsLaptopPNG) => NoBillsLaptopPNG});

Answer №2

When using styled-components, if you include a function in your style, it will be executed with the entire set of props from the component.

As a result, you need to specify a specific member or destructure it, similar to how you would with a regular React Function Component.

It's important to note that changing the src attribute of an <img> tag through CSS alone is typically not possible. However, altering its content is still achievable.

As mentioned by @forlift's response, you are already passing the .src value as a prop, so there is no requirement to access it again.

const TestImg = styled.img<{
  NoBillsMobilePNG: string;
  NoBillsLaptopPNG: string;
  // Destructuring the props here
  content: url(${({ NoBillsLaptopPNG }) => NoBillsLaptopPNG});

  width : "226.07px";
  height : "207.59px";
  margin-top: "2px";

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