Can we dynamically adjust font size based on the width of a div using CSS?

My div is set to 70% width and I have a specific goal in mind:

  • To fill that div with text
  • To adjust the font size so that it takes up the entire width of the div

Would it be possible to achieve this using only CSS? Below is the code I have tried so far:

.parent {
I need assistance in dynamically adjusting the font size within the parent class
<div class="parent">
  This Text

Important Note: The div's size adapts responsively. Thank you for your help!

Answer №1

Maybe this solution isn't exactly what you had in mind, but it offers a way to adjust both the font size and element width based on the view width.

p {
  font-size: 5vw;
  background-color: red;
  width: 50vw;
  I'm a P!

Answer №2

To fix the issue, simply include display: inline; in your code.

.parent {
  width: 70%;
  height: auto;
  min-height: 100px;
  background: red;
  font-size: 10vw;
  display: inline;
<div class="parent">
  This Text

Answer №3

**You can adjust the font size dynamically**
        .parent {
    Can you assist me in changing the font size dynamically for the parent element?
    <div class="parent">

Answer №4

A solution can be found by utilizing JavaScript, particularly jQuery.

Here is the JavaScript code snippet:


var box = $('.box');
var boxWidth = box.width();

$('.box h1').css('font-size', boxWidth);


You can check out an example of this implementation here.

Answer №5

Here is the updated version.... JS Fiddel

Take a look at this





<div class="parent">
  <span>This Text</span>

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