Determine the number of rows in the Tabulator's table

Can anyone tell me how to retrieve the number of rows in a table created using Tabulator on a website? Is there a method like table.size or table.length that I can use for this purpose?

The table has been initialized with the following code: table = new Tabulator("#example-table", { height:405, paginationSize:50,pagination:"local",data:tabledata, columns:[...]});

Answer №1

Try out this solution to solve your issue:


var table_widget = new Tabulator("#example", {
    columns: [
        { title: "", field: "", bottomCalc: "count", headerFilter: "input" },
        { title: "", field: "", bottomCalc: "count", headerFilter: "input" },
        { title: "", field: "", bottomCalc: "count", headerFilter: "input" },
        { title: "", field: "", bottomCalc: "count",headerFilter: "input" },
        { title: "", field: "", bottomCalc: "count", headerFilter: "input" },
        { title: "", field: "", bottomCalc: "count", headerFilter: "input" },
    dataFiltered: function(filters, rows) {
        var element = document.getElementById("search_results_count");
        element.innerHTML = rows.length;
    dataLoaded: function(data) {
        var element = document.getElementById("total_results_count");
        element.innerHTML = data.length;

var total_results = $(".tabulator-footer").find('.tabulator-cell:first-child()').text();
// additional JS code here if needed.


.tabulator-footer {
    display: none;


<span style="color:#102D4F;font-size:12px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
  Displaying <span id="search_results_count"></span> results from a total of <span id="total_results_count"></span> 

Credit: beNiceWeAlLearning

Answer №2

To retrieve the total number of rows in a table, simply utilize the getDataCount method:

var count = myTable.getDataCount();

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