Adding a div to the preceding div based on matching IDs in AngularJS

Here is a representation of my layout in HTML:

<div ng-repeat="message in messages">
        <div ng-class="{'messages messages--sent': userId ==,         
            'messages messages--received': userId !=}">
                <div class="message">

This is how the messages array is structured:

$scope.messages = [
            "content":"How are you"
            "content":"Im okay"
            "content":"Im missed you!"

This is the desired layout I'm aiming for

The previous layout is styled with the following CSS code:

.messages--received .message:first-child {
      border-top-left-radius: 50px;

    // More CSS styling...

    .messages--sent .message:last-child {
        border-bottom-right-radius: 50px;
        margin-bottom: 10px;

However, this is the issue that arises

The problem lies in the creation of a new div during each loop of ng-repeat, which I do not want. I aim to append the next {{message.content}} to the previously created div if their {{}} matches.

If they do not match, a new div should be created as usual. Your assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you :)

Note: I prefer not to filter and group everything as I have tried before but faced misunderstandings. Hence, I have provided images this time to facilitate better comprehension. THANK YOU ^_^

Answer №1

The method provided may not be the most efficient way to handle this situation, but here is how it can be done:

<div ng-repeat="message in messages" ng-if=" != messages[$index - 1].id" style="border:1px solid red">
    <div >
            <div class="message">
                {{message.content}} - {{$index}}
        ng-repeat="nextMessage in messages | startFrom : $parent.$index + 1"
         ng-if=" == messages[$parent.$index].id && ($index == 0 || == messages[$index-1].id)" style="border:1px solid blue"
            <div class="message">
                {{nextMessage.content}} - {{$index}}

You can also use an ng-repeat start index filter from:

app.filter('startFrom', function() {
    return function(input, start) {
        if(input) {
            start = +start; //parse to int
            return input.slice(start);
        return [];

I have added two ng-if conditions. One on the ng-repeat to skip iterations with matching ids from the previous one, and another inside to display subsequent items with matching ids. The nested ng-repeat adds each message with the same id until a different id is encountered.

You could integrate the first inner div within the ng-repeat as well, but for now, I have kept it separate.

Here is a fiddle without the CSS part, showcasing grouped messages highlighted in red:

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