Unique CSS specifically designed for consecutive elements listed in succession

I have a list of notes in a document, but occasionally I may include some document updates (such as "Document closed", "Revision made"...).

Here is the basic HTML structure of a document and its notes:

<p class="document-note">My note</p>
<p class="document-note">Another note</p>
<p class="document-note">Third note</p>

If a note includes any updates, the HTML can appear like this:

<p class="document-note">My note</p>
<p class="document-update">Update</p>
<p class="document-update">Another update</p>
<p class="document-note">Another note</p>
<p class="document-update">Additional update here</p>
<p class="document-note">Third note</p>

If a document-update follows another document-update, I want to apply special styling to it (like reducing the margin on the bottom of the first item).

For example:

<p class="document-note">My note</p>
<p class="document-update">Update</p> <== A document-update comes after this item, apply special CSS only to this item
<p class="document-update">Another update</p>
<p class="document-note">Another note</p>
<p class="document-update">Additional update here</p> <== This document-update stands alone (no other document-update after this item), so no special CSS is needed here
<p class="document-note">Third note</p>

Is there a way to achieve this?

I've attempted using .document-update + .document-update, but it hasn't given me the desired outcome.

Update I've included the CSS I currently have and what I tried to accomplish:

.document-note, .document-update {
    padding: 15px;
    margin-bottom: 15px;

/* This styling should be applied only to elements followed by another .document-update as shown in my example above */
.document-update + .document-update {
    margin-bottom: 3px;

/* Custom classes such as changing color on .document-update */
/* ... */

Update #2 This is the effect I am aiming for (demonstrated with inline styles in the DOM): https://i.sstatic.net/OTWrV.png

Answer №1

It appears that this code closely resembles your image:

.ticket-message, .ticket-activity {
    padding: 15px;
    margin-bottom: 15px;
    background: #f2f2f2;

.ticket-activity {
  margin-top: 0;
  margin-bottom: 3px;
<p class="ticket-message">My message</p>
<p class="ticket-activity">Activity</p>
<p class="ticket-activity">Another activity</p>
<p class="ticket-message">Another message</p>
<p class="ticket-activity">Some activity here</p>
<p class="ticket-message">My message</p>
<p class="ticket-activity">Activity</p>
<p class="ticket-activity">Another activity</p>
<p class="ticket-activity">Another activity</p>
<p class="ticket-message">Another message</p>
<p class="ticket-activity">Some activity here</p>

Answer №2

Choosing the second item depending on the first is possible, however not vice versa.

Opt for using top margins in place of bottom margins.

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