Displaying the :before attribute while concealing the element solely with CSS

I have encountered a situation where I am unable to edit the HTML of a document, specifically a payment page on Shopify, for security reasons. Unfortunately, editing JavaScript is also restricted in this scenario.

However, there is a workaround available - you are able to modify your own css. Therefore, the solution must be CSS-based if possible.

The main objective is to replace text using CSS. While this task itself may not be directly achievable, I have found a way to achieve a similar result:


<P>This is some nice text here</p>


  content:'This text has replaced the original.';


JsFiddle - Codepen (for viewing in IE8/EI9)

This method works well for our current needs.

However, it should be noted that in IE8/IE9, the visibility property is not supported (Source)

I have experimented with other alternatives such as:




but both of these options hide the :before pseudo-element.

In addition, changing the text color to match the background color was considered, but we were not satisfied with the outcome due to potential issues with text highlighting.

Therefore, my query is: Are there any alternative methods to achieve this goal that are compatible with IE8/IE9?

Thank you.

Answer №1

You may want to try adjusting the font size: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/KuJln

  content:'The original text has been replaced.';
  font-size:16px;/* use rem if supported */

  font-size:0.01px;/* for Internet Explorer */

Answer №2

You have the power to alter the hue.


If your experience is lacking, consider using rgba for IE9 in order to adjust the color transparency, although this feature is not available in IE8 (It seems impossible to set a transparent text color there).

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