Is there a way to adjust the font color when the expiration date passes?

My goal is to change the color of text to green when the expiration date has not been reached yet. If the expiration date has passed, then the text should be red.

.curentDate {
    color: rgb(54, 168, 54)

    color: red;
<div class="form-group col">
    <h5 for="maintenancePackage">Maintenance Package</h5>
    <p class="{{ setexpirationDate(ticket) }}">{{ getMaPackage(ticket) }}</p>


setexpirationDate(ticket) {
    let color = ''
    const endDate = moment( * 1000).format('L');
    const currentDate = new Date()
    const currentDateFormat = moment(currentDate).format('L');
    if (endDate < currentDateFormat) {
        color = 'curentDate'
    } else {
        color = 'expirationDate'

Answer №1

In order to complete this function, you must ensure the color variable is being returned.

updateExpirationColor(ticket) {
    let color = ''
    const endDate = moment( * 1000).format('L');
    const currentDate = new Date()
    const currentDateFormat = moment(currentDate).format('L');
    if (endDate < currentDateFormat) {
      color = 'currentDate'
    } else {
      color = 'expirationDate'
    return color // make sure to return the color variable

Answer №2

Your logic appears to be incorrect.

if (endDate < currentDateFormat) {
      color = 'currentDate'
    } else {
      color = 'expirationDate'

You are attempting to assign the color green when the date is expired and red for the opposite scenario.

To solve this issue:


<p [ngClass]="{isExpired?'expirationDate':'currentDate'}">{{ getMyPackage(ticket) }}</p>


get isExpired() {
    let color = '';
    const endDate = moment( * 1000).format('L');
    const currentDate = new Date();
    const currentDateFormat = moment(currentDate).format('L');
    return endDate < currentDateFormat;

Answer №3

Did you give the color a try with !important added at the end? like this:

    color:  blue !important;

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