What is the best way to showcase a value in JavaScript using CSS styling?

I'm looking to customize the background, font style, and outline for both open and closed elements in the code snippet below:

a.innerHTML = "We are Open now now.";

a.innerHTML = "We are Closed, arm.";

Additionally, I want to apply different styling to the text displayed within this JavaScript code block. While I could use CSS to format it, I am unsure how to achieve that with JavaScript. Can you provide me with some examples?

var a = document.getElementById("hoursofoperation"); 
var d = new Date(); 
var n = d.getDay(); 
var now = d.getHours() + "." + d.getMinutes(); 
var weekdays = {
    0: null,//Sunday
    1: [8.30, 21.30],
    2: [6.00, 11.30],
    3: [8.30, 12.00],
    4: [8.30, 12.00],
    5: [8.30, 12.30],
    6: null //Saturday


var dayWorkingHours = weekdays[n];//Today working hours. if null we are close

if (dayWorkingHours && (now > dayWorkingHours[0] && now < dayWorkingHours[1])) {
    a.innerHTML = "We are Open now now."; 
} else {
     a.innerHTML = "We are Closed, kar."; 

Answer №1

Applying styling in javascript is quite simple, for example, element.style.fontSize = '16px'. It's important to note that CSS properties with hyphens are written in camel case in Javascript.

To create an outline using borders in javascript, the syntax is similar to CSS:

element.style.borderWidth = '1px'; element.style.borderColor= '#000'

If you want to add a link to an element, you can achieve it like this:

element.href = "/page"

For more information, check out this resource: https://www.example.com/js/styling

Best of luck!

Answer №2

To change the color of a link using JavaScript, you can do so by accessing styles like a.style.color = "blue".

Another way to apply styling is by using CSS classes with


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