Broken link in navigation bar

I encountered an issue with the navigation bar on this website. When I click on "Leistungsspektrum" in the navigation bar, it returns a message stating that The requested URL /leistunsspektrum.html was not found on this server. However, the actual file name on the server is "leistungsspektrum.html".

Here are the links to the HTML and CSS files:

HTML: link

CSS: link

Can someone help me understand what might be causing this issue?

Answer №1

There is a missing g in your link.

Instead of

<a href="" title="" class="mn2 active"></a>

It should be

<a href="" title="" class="mn2 active"></a>

Just a friendly reminder: please make sure to include your code in your question! External website links may become obsolete, rendering the question useless for future users. Providing code helps others understand and answer your question effectively.

Remember to include your code!

Answer №2

Minor typo in spelling



Answer №3

It seems like there was a typo in the URL you entered. The correct URL should be "leistungsspektrum.html" instead of "leistunsspektrum.html".

I hope this information is helpful for you.

Best regards, Bart Roelofs

Answer №4

Make a quick change to your website's link, there is a minor typo:

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