Unable to showcase the compilation in PDF form

I have a link on my page that, when clicked by the user, retrieves a list from the database using an ajax call and displays it.

Now, I'm looking to add another link that, when clicked, will fetch the list from the database via ajax and present it in PDF format for easy printing or saving as a PDF file, without displaying any other information (such as webpage headers, footers, menus, etc).

Despite extensive research, I haven't been able to find a solution for this. Could you please advise if this is possible and provide some ideas on how to accomplish this task?

Answer №1

If you're interested in document formatting, consider checking out LaTeX. You have the option to generate a LaTeX string for your PDF and then compile it. This can be done either on the client side using a JavaScript LaTeX compiler or on the server.

(Take a look at this resource for example: )

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