I need either XPATH or CSS to target a specific checkbox within a list of checkboxes wrapped in span tags

I'm trying to find the XPATH or CSS locator for a checkbox in an HTML span tag that has a label with specific text, like "Allow gender mismatch". I can locate the label using XPATH, but I'm not sure how to target the input tag so I can click on the checkbox.

Unfortunately, I can't use id="gwt-uid-1204" as it's a dynamic value that changes each time the page is visited.

The XPATH to get the label text is:

//div[@id="match_configuration_add_possible_tab_match_rules_fp_flags"]/span/label[contains(text(), "Allow gender mismatch")]

Here is an example of the HTML snippet:

<div id="match_configuration_add_possible_tab_match_rules_fp_flags">
    <div class="gwt-Label matchruleheader">Gender and title flags</div>
    <span class="gwt-CheckBox" style="display: block;">
        <input id="gwt-uid-1204" type="checkbox" value="on" tabindex="0"/>
        <label for="gwt-uid-1204">Gender must be present in both names</label>
    <span class="gwt-CheckBox" style="display: block;">
        <input id="gwt-uid-1205" type="checkbox" value="on" tabindex="0"/>
        <label for="gwt-uid-1205">Gender must be consistent in both names</label>
    <span class="gwt-CheckBox" style="display: block;">
        <input id="gwt-uid-1206" type="checkbox" value="on" tabindex="0"/>
        <label for="gwt-uid-1206">Allow gender mismatch</label>
    <span class="gwt-CheckBox" style="display: block;">
    <span class="gwt-CheckBox" style="display: block;">
    <span class="gwt-CheckBox" style="display: block;">
    -- More checkboxes

If anyone can assist with finding the correct XPATH or CSS locator for this scenario, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you! - Riaz

Answer №1

There are at least two options available:

1) You can utilize xpaths ".." to move up one element

//div[@id="match_configuration_add_possible_tab_match_rules_fp_flags"]/span/label[contains(text(), "Allow gender mismatch")]/../input

2) Alternatively, you can employ xpaths "preceding-sibling":

//div[@id="match_configuration_add_possible_tab_match_rules_fp_flags"]/span/label[contains(text(), "Allow gender mismatch")]/preceding-sibling::input

Personally, I prefer the first method as it remains effective even if the order of sibling elements changes. With the second approach, you must always verify whether the sibling is "preceding" or "following" (in which case you would use following-sibling)

Answer №2

If you want to target the input element before the label with the text "Allow gender mismatch", make sure to include /preceding-sibling::input in your XPath expression. The updated XPath should look like this:

//div[@id="match_configuration_add_possible_tab_match_rules_fp_flags"]/span/label[contains(text(), "Allow gender mismatch")]/preceding-sibling::input

With this adjustment, you can accurately select the input element for further interaction.

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