Issue: The system does not recognize 'cleancss' as an internal or external command

After successfully installing clean-css via npm command line, I was eager to start using it to concatenate and minify some css files. However, my excitement quickly turned to frustration when I encountered this error:

'cleancss' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file.

Being new to working from the command line, this issue completely threw me off track. Despite my efforts to find a solution specific to clean-css, the general advice of updating environment variables doesn't satisfy my confusion in this situation. Any suggestions on how to resolve this?

Answer №1

After encountering a similar issue, I discovered that starting from version 4.0, installation of clean-css-cli is necessary. All credit for this solution goes to the following source:

Answer №2

For smooth installation, consider executing the following command:

npm install -g clean-css

This will ensure that clean-css is easily accessible in your shell environment.

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