Tips on adjusting the SVG view box for optimal visibility in a web browser

Recently, I've encountered an issue with the following code snippet:

d3.xml("").mimeType("image/svg+xml").get(function(error, xml) {
  if (error) throw error;
  let test = document.querySelector('svg')
  test.setAttribute("viewBox", "-100 -100 200000 60000"); 

You can also find the code on JSFiddle here.

My expectation was that setting the viewBox parameters to -100, -100, 200000, and 60000 respectively would scale the image properly. However, when I implemented it, the SVG appeared way too large to fit in the designated view box. It required a significant amount of scrolling before any content became visible. I suspect that my understanding of how the viewBox attribute functions is flawed. Can anyone provide guidance on what the correct values should be?

Answer №1

Make sure to define the correct width and height values before adding the svg element to the `document.

xml.documentElement.setAttribute("width", "100%");  
xml.documentElement.setAttribute("height", "100%");


See demo here:

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