Resizeable drag and drop two-column design

Experimenting with creating a drag re-sizable layout using jQuery UI was quite an interesting challenge for me.

If you want to check out the result, here is the link.

However, my original goal was to achieve something different from what I ended up with.

I'm curious if it's possible to create what I envision using jQuery UI methods or if there are any other plugins that could help me achieve my desired layout.

Answer №1

The default plugin doesn't offer support for this feature, so I took the initiative to kickstart the process for you. I manually added the div elements into the function for the resize event, but it's now your turn to make it more dynamic ;).

var total_width = 500;

    grid: [1, 10000]
}).bind( "resize", resize_other);

function resize_other(event, ui) {
    var width = $("#div1").width();

    if(width > total_width) {
        width = total_width;
        $('#div1').css('width', width);

    $('#div2').css('width', (total_width - width));

Check out this Fiddle example

I hope this solution is beneficial to you!

Answer №2

Modify the handles property of the div elements:

To ensure that both divs adjust when one is resized, you will need to include code for handling the resize event.

Alternatively, consider introducing a third div positioned between the two existing ones, making it a draggable element with motion constrained to a horizontal axis. Then, update the surrounding divs based on its movement during the drag event.

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