Guide for using a CSS variable in a dynamic CSS class within a dynamic component

I'm working with library components and running into an issue with CSS when importing the same component multiple times within a parent component with different styles.

import "../myCss.css"
const CircleComponent = ({size , color}) => {
  useEffect(() => {
    if (color)
    if(size) {
  }, [])

  return <div className="circle"></div>


root: {
 --color: black;
 --size: 40px

  height: var(--size);
  width: var(--size);
  background-color: var(--color);
  border-radius: 50%;

Despite setting different colors on import:

 <CircleComponent color="red" />
 <CircleComponent color="blue" />

...both components end up being blue in color!

I've encountered errors when attempting to use style modules. How can I efficiently manage dynamic CSS without resorting to another external library?

Answer №1

When you make changes to the CSS variable/property on the shared top element document.documentElement, it will have an impact on all your Elements.

If you only want these changes to affect your React component, then simply apply them directly to that specific component Element. To access this Element, you can utilize the useRef hook:

const CircleComponent = ({ size, color }) => {

  const ref = useRef(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    // Make the necessary style modifications on the element or its parent,
    // rather than the common top document
    if (color)"--color", color);
    if (size) {"--size", `${size}px`);
  }, []);

  // Assign the ref using the ref special prop
  return <div ref={ref} className="circle"></div>;

Check out the demo here:

By the way, there appears to be a typo in your CSS: :root pseudo-class should have the colon : as the first character, not the last.

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