Customizing Bootstrap Modal's backdrop CSS for a specific element

Upon opening a bootstrap modal, the background takes on a darker shade as seen here. I am looking to apply a CSS class that mimics this shading effect to a specific element.

I prefer not to use any JavaScript for this task as it is purely about styling with no functionality involved.

I tried the solution provided in this thread, but unfortunately, it did not work for me.

Simply altering the opacity is not the desired outcome. The opacity property tends to wash out the elements, whereas the bootstrap modal adds a subtle tint to them.

Answer №1

If you want to create a semi-transparent background for any element, simply wrap it in a div with the desired opacity level. Check out this working example:

Here's the concept: I always use a wrapper div around the target element(s) where I want a shaded background. The div itself has a black background color with an opacity level specified. This technique does not affect the transparency of the actual element.

HTML: (assumes the target element is an input textbox)

<div id="backgroundDiv">


background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

I've added an image to demonstrate the effect of the semi-transparent background. In the rgba value (0,0,0,0.5), the first three numbers represent the black color code and the last number sets the opacity level to 0.5.

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