CSS :empty selector failing to target elements

I have a situation where I utilized the :empty selector within the .error class. However, I'm encountering an issue where even if there is no content inside the div with the error class, the error class does not get removed entirely. Upon examination in Firebug, I discovered that there are some white spaces remaining within the div, and once those extra spaces are removed, the div disappears.

.error{ border:solid 1px #ff0000; color:#ff0000;}
.error:empty{ display:none;}

During debugging, the div appears as follows:

<div class="error">     </div>

The additional spaces visible are causing this issue. Is there a way to make &nbsp; in CSS display:none? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

The reason is that the

<div class="error">     </div>
(check out demo) is not considered empty due to having a text node as a child.

If you want to learn more about the :empty pseudo-class, visit :empty documentation.

The :empty pseudo-class targets elements with no children, which includes element nodes and text (even whitespace). Comments or processing instructions do not impact whether an element is viewed as empty.

For testing purposes, attempt using:

<div class="error"></div>

To see a demonstration, click here: View Fiddle

Answer №2

In case you have particular elements as the only children, you may want to consider implementing this solution:

.issue:not(:has(yourSpecificChildElements)) {
   visibility: hidden;

Answer №3

The :empty pseudo-class is designed to target elements that do not contain any child elements or text content (note that white space is considered text).

Alternatively, the experimental :blank pseudo-class has been introduced to target elements that are completely empty, including white space. It can be used like .error:blank to select a specific <div> element. Remember, it's best practice to avoid using experimental features in production code.

Answer №4

Consider this different approach:

.error:not(:has(*)) {
    display: none;

This CSS rule targets elements with the "error" class that do not contain any child elements.

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