What is the best way to stop Quasar dropdown list from moving along with the page scroll?

I am facing an issue with my code while using Quasar (Vue 3.0). The code snippet in question is:

<q-select filled v-model="model" :options="options" label="Filled" />

When the drop-down menu is open and I scroll the page, the list within the dropdown also scrolls along with the page. Is there a way to prevent the popup list from scrolling with the page? I want the list to stay bound to the dropdown and not scroll along with the form.

View image here

In the image above, you can see that when we scroll the form, the dropdown items move along with the page!

Answer №1

Utilize the intersection observer to achieve this functionality and dismiss the pop-up immediately upon scrolling past the drop-down menu.

Answer №2

It seems that the suggestion made by saeed is to address the scrolling issue by closing the popup:

    <q-select ref="selectRef" v-intersection="hidePopup" />

<script setup lang="ts">
    const selectRef = ref<QSelect | null>(null);

    function hidePopup() {

However, this approach does not completely resolve the issue at hand.

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