Is this the correct method for constructing a class in CSS?

What is the correct way to style a class with CSS and write HTML code?

.first{ color:red; }

Here is an example of HTML code:

<class id=first> 
<p> some text </p> 
<p> some other text </p> 

Do you think it is written correctly?

Answer №1

Here's a simple example of HTML/CSS for styling elements:


#first {
    Color: red;


<div id="first"> 
    <p> some text </p> 
    <p> some other text </p> 

To style classes, use the period symbol (.) before the class name, and for IDs, use the hash symbol (#).

EDIT: Correction- The "class" tag is not valid in HTML. Use the "div" tag instead to create wrappers. Also, remember that IDs must be unique. If you want to style multiple divs with the same style, use classes like this:

<div class="first"> 
    <p> some text </p> 
    <p> some other text </p> 

Answer №2

Adding this css is essential

<div class='container'></div>

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