Tips for resizing user-uploaded images to fit the required dimensions outlined in the design draft using CSS or JavaScript

Hey everyone! I'm facing an issue but my English isn't great. I'll do my best to explain it thoroughly, and if anything is unclear, please feel free to let me know! So here's the problem: today there's a block for users to upload photos! The dimensions of the uploaded photo cannot exceed 360px in width and height, with a minimum of 100px, and the maximum height can't go over 200px (with a minimum of 100px).

My question is, can this requirement be met using only CSS? Or would JavaScript be needed? But if JavaScript is necessary, I'm not sure how to get started as my JavaScript skills are quite limited. Any valuable suggestions from you guys would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

I've included an example below. The original photo size is only 50PX in height. How can the photo's height be increased to 100PX without affecting the ratio?

  width: 360px;
  height: 200px;
  object-position:left center
<div class="demo">
  <img class="photo" src="" alt="">

Answer №1

I believe this is the solution you are looking for.

Make sure that the image has a maximum width of 360px and a minimum height of 100px.

If you need to set additional properties like min-width and max-height, you can include them in the imageSettings variable within your JavaScript code.

For multiple images, simply assign the class imageContainerForJS to the parent element containing the img tag.

    let imgContainers = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.imageContainerForJS'));
    const imageSettings = {
        "max-width": 360,
        "min-height": 100,
    for(let imgContainer of imgContainers) {
        let img = imgContainer.querySelector('img');
        if(!img) continue;
        let imageSource = img.src;
        let image = new Image();

        let maxWidth = imageSettings['max-width'] || null;
        let minWidth = imageSettings['min-width'] || 0;
        let maxHeight = imageSettings['max-height'] || null;
        let minHeight = imageSettings['min-height'] || 0;

        image.onload = function() {
            let width = this.width;
            let height = this.height;
            if(maxWidth && width > maxWidth) width = maxWidth;
            if(minWidth && width < minWidth) width = minWidth;
            if(minHeight && height < minHeight) height = minHeight;
            if(maxHeight && height > maxHeight) height = maxHeight;

   = width+'px';
   = height+'px';

        image.src = imageSource;
    object-fit: cover;
    object-position: center;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
<div class="demo imageContainerForJS">
    <img class="photo" src="" alt="">

Answer №2

To ensure your image perfectly fits its container, utilize the CSS property object-fit: cover.

Specify the dimensions of the container and make the image fill it completely by setting both width and height to 100%.

By default, the cover value will center the image within the container.

.demo {
  width: 360px;
  height: 200px;

.demo .photo {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  object-fit: cover;
  /*object-position: left center;*/
<div class="demo">
  <img class="photo" src="" alt="">

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