Exploring Rails 6: Enhancing Web Design with CSS Image Display

I've been attempting to update my webpage background with an image through CSS, but I'm struggling to reference one of my Rails 6 images in the process. Despite trying options like asset-url and image-url, I haven't been successful. However, I managed to get the image working using HTML with the following code:

<%= image_pack_tag 'Slide1.jpg' %>

Do you have any suggestions on how I can use my "image pack" images in CSS?

Answer №1

Hello Chase, welcome to StackOverflow!

Have you thought about relocating the image to the public asset pipeline? By moving Slide1.jpg to /public/images/Slide1.jpg, it will make referencing the image much simpler:

background_image: url('/images/Slide1.jpg')

Another option is to transfer it to the native pipeline (app/assets/images) and use the asset URL in CSS.

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