Why do CSS changes in Chrome Console only take effect locally and not when the website is live?

I recently encountered an issue where I wanted to incorporate negative margins into a specific section of my website, as seen in the Chrome Console (link to image):

.woocommerce div.product div.images .woocommerce-product-gallery__wrapper {
    -webkit-transition: all cubic-bezier(.795,-.035,0,1) .5s;
    transition: all cubic-bezier(.795,-.035,0,1) .5s;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

In order to achieve the desired effect, I decided to implement a negative margin. Upon making this adjustment directly in the Chrome Console, I saw the changes take place:

.woocommerce div.product div.images .woocommerce-product-gallery__wrapper {
    -webkit-transition: all cubic-bezier(.795,-.035,0,1) .5s;
    transition: all cubic-bezier(.795,-.035,0,1) .5s;
    margin: -50px;
    padding: 0;

However, when attempting to apply this CSS change on my actual website using the code snippet below, the desired result did not manifest. What could be the reason for this unexpected behavior? Here's the CSS code I used:

<style type="text/css">
    .woocommerce div.product div.images .woocommerce-product-gallery__wrapper {
        margin: -50px !important;   

Answer №1

The use of !important is limited to overriding CSS properties.

For a different approach, consider implementing this JQuery script to modify the current code:

jQuery(document).ready(function ($)
$('.woocommerce div.product div.images .woocommerce-product-gallery__wrapper').css('margin', '-50px');

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