Detecting single letters in a sentence and changing their appearance using CSS

Looking to make a subtle change to text? I need to swap out single letters in a passage (I have a cat that ate a fish). Any ideas on how to do this?

The goal is to input a block of text into a textbox, then display it in a div. I've had difficulty figuring out how to manipulate the text within the div specifically.

Unfortunately, my expertise is limited to jquery/javascript/css/html - hoping for a solution within these parameters!

If you could break down your answer step by step, I would greatly appreciate it. Complex solutions tend to go over my head. Thank you for taking the time to help me out!

Answer №1

Consider trying out this approach using the replace() method

   return v.replace(/(^|\s[A-Za-z]\s|$)/g,'<b>$&</b>');

Live Example

Answer №2

To achieve this, you can use a regular expression:

var sentence = "I have a cat that chased a mouse";
sentence= " " + sentence + " ";
var results = sentence.match(/\s\w\s/);

Explanation: The pattern being searched for is [space][letter][space]. Because the first and last letters do not have a space on both sides, extra spaces are added to the beginning and end of the text.

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