Expansive image coverage

My footer design includes a rounded left image, a repeating middle section, and a rounded right image. How can I ensure that it scales perfectly responsively without overlapping? Ideally, the solution would involve adjusting the width of the middle section dynamically. For example, something like this code snippet:

.paperBottom.middle {float:left; width: (100% -40px)}
(where 40px is the width of the right image).

Here is my setup:

<div class="paperBottomWrapper"> 
   <div class="paperBottom left"> </div>
   <div class="paperBottom middle"> </div>
   <div class="paperBottom right"> </div>

The challenge lies in ensuring that the rounded graphics on the left and right sides fit together seamlessly.

Answer №1

To style your elements, you have the option of using the display:table property in CSS:


View an example of this implementation here: http://jsfiddle.net/A34pt/


If you prefer not to use display:table, there is another way to achieve the desired layout.

Check out this alternative approach here: http://jsfiddle.net/A34pt/1/

Answer №2

Check out this example

<div class="paperBottomWrapper"> 
   <div class="paperBottom left"> </div>
   <div class="paperBottom right"> </div>
   <div class="paperBottom middle"> </div>

/*the wrapper div*/
.paperBottomWrapper {

/*setting height for visibility*/
.paperBottomWrapper > * {

/*repeating area in the middle*/

/*styling the edges*/


Answer №3

If you are using jQuery UI and want to round the bottom corners of a div, you can achieve this by simply adding the class "ui-corner-bottom" to your div like so:

<div class="paperBottomWrapper ui-corner-bottom" style="width:100%"> 
  Your content here  

To create a background effect using the jQuery method, you can tile your background image within the paperBottomWrapper background. This will automatically adjust the rounded corners.

There are several approaches you can take to achieve this effect. For instance, you could apply the full background on the wrapper and then add corner images to the two outer divs, positioning them accordingly.

Alternatively, you could explore the Sliding Door technique outlined here.

Additionally, there are various other javascript tools available for creating rounded corners.

Answer №4

To create a layout with three divs, apply the float:left attribute to all of them and define specific widths for the left and right divs. Then calculate the width of the middle div by subtracting the sum of the widths of the left and right divs from the total wrapper width. Ensure that the combined width of all three divs matches the width of your overall wrapper.

Answer №5

Creating a Paper Layout

<div class="paperBottomWrapper"> 
   <div class="paperBottom left">Left </div>
   <div class="paperBottom middle">Middle</div>
   <div class="paperBottom right"> Right</div>

Styling with CSS

.paperBottomWrapper { width:100%; }
.paperBottom { float:left; padding:1px }
.left { width :33%;background-color:red; }
.middle{ width :33%;background-color:green; }
.right { width :33%;background-color:blue; }

Take a look at the DEMO to see the layout in action.

Answer №6

To enhance the aesthetics of your website, consider utilizing position: absolute to align your corner divs at the left and right edges with a background color that matches the page's overall theme. This method works best when the main background color is consistent throughout the page.

For example, if the background color is #333:

position: relative;

position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
background: #333 url(YOUR_IMAGE);

position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 0;
background: #333 url(YOUR_IMAGE);

width: 100%;
background: url(YOUR_IMAGE);

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