CSS for mobile devices not loading until the device is rotated

My website, redkrypt.com, is functioning perfectly on my laptop. However, I am facing an issue where the css file will only load on my iPhone 4S after I rotate it once. Once I do this, the website works both vertically and horizontally. I have tried various solutions such as adding the following code:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">

I have also made sure to differentiate between width and device width in my media queries, but so far nothing has resolved the issue. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Answer №1

It appears that the issue may be due to utilizing media queries in the link tags instead of incorporating them directly into the CSS file. This results in the browser loading files based on the queries and current screen size, leading to redundant styles across multiple separate CSS files. To streamline maintenance and address this problem, I recommend consolidating all styles into one CSS file with embedded media queries. Additionally, it seems excessive to have so many screen sizes defined - typically 3-4 should suffice, but there are currently 10 files present. Consider using percentage-based layouts over fixed pixel values for greater responsiveness. Test your design by resizing the window to ensure content displays properly at various sizes.

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