The expected response from CSS3 animated images may not be fully realized

I've been working on this project with 4 images. While hovering over one image causes the others to change size as intended, I can't figure out why the ones on the left are not following the same pattern even though I have specified that they should all behave in a similar manner.

Could someone provide some assistance?

Here is the HTML and CSS from the fiddle:

<a href="#" class="social1" ><img src="" alt="img1" id="btnSocialStyle" /></a>
<a href="#" class="social2" ><img src="" alt="img1" id="btnSocialStyle" /></a>
<a href="#" class="social3" ><img src="" alt="img1" id="btnSocialStyle" /></a>
<a href="#" class="social4" ><img src="" alt="img1" id="btnSocialStyle" /></a>

Answer №1

The issue you're facing is that the "~" operator in CSS only allows you to select elements after the specified element, not before it. As far as my knowledge goes, CSS 3.0 still does not support selecting elements in a back or upward direction. This typically requires a jQuery or Javascript solution, where you can handle the hover event accordingly.

However, I suggest leaving it as it is since it looks good even without zooming in on the left-hand element ;)

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