Provide alternative styling through css in instances where the Google Books API does not provide an image

How can I modify the CSS code to display the author and title of a book when there is no image available from the Google Books API?

Currently, users see a custom image linked here, but it's not clear what it represents without the name and author information.

const extractThumbnail = ({ imageLinks }) => {
if (!imageLinks || !imageLinks.thumbnail) {
return imageLinks.thumbnail.replace("http://", "https://");};

Instead of return DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL;, I want to remove the image and apply the following CSS:

document.querySelector(" ").style.display = "inline-flex;";
document.querySelector("").style.fontsize = "32px";

However, these changes don't seem to be working...

Any suggestions? Here's the entire code snippet:

let bookContainer = document.querySelector(".search");
let searchBooks = document.getElementById("search-box");
const getBooks = async(book) => {
    const response = await fetch(
    const data = await response.json();
    return data;

const extractThumbnail = ({ imageLinks }) => {
    const DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL = "";
    if (!imageLinks || !imageLinks.thumbnail) {
        return DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL;
    return imageLinks.thumbnail.replace("http://", "https://");

const drawChartBook = async(subject, startIndex = 0) => {
    let cbookContainer = document.querySelector(`.${subject}`);
    cbookContainer.innerHTML = `<div class='prompt'><div class="loader"></div></div>`;
    const cdata = await getBooks(
    if (cdata.error) {
        cbookContainer.innerHTML = `<div class='prompt'></div>`;
    } else if (cdata.totalItems == 0) {
        cbookContainer.innerHTML = `<div class='prompt'></div>`;
    } else if (cdata.totalItems == undefined) {
        cbookContainer.innerHTML = `<div class='prompt'>ツ Ups, chyba masz problem z internetem!</div>`;
    } else if (!cdata.items || cdata.items.length == 0) {
        cbookContainer.innerHTML = `<div class='prompt'>ツ Niestety, nie ma więcej wyników!</div>`;
    } else {
        cbookContainer.innerHTML = cdata.items;
        cbookContainer.innerHTML = cdata.items
                ({ volumeInfo }) =>
                `<div class='book' style='background: linear-gradient(` +
                getRandomColor() +
                `, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));'><a href='${volumeInfo.authors}/${volumeInfo.title}' target='_blank'><img class='thumbnail' src='` +
                extractThumbnail(volumeInfo) +
                `' alt='cover'></a><div class='book-info'><h3 class='book-title'><a href='${volumeInfo.authors}/${volumeInfo.title}' target='_blank'>${volumeInfo.title}</a></h3><div class='book-authors' onclick='updateFilter(this,"author");'>${volumeInfo.authors}</div></div></div>`
        document.querySelector(".search-box").style.background = "#f00;";


Answer №1

The issue arises when you attempt to set the style properties using:

document.querySelector("").style.display = "inline-flex;";
document.querySelector("").style.fontsize = "32px";

[By the way, there are syntax errors present here - such as the ; before the " in the first line and fontSize should be written in camel case. Nevertheless, these mistakes aren't causing your problem assuming that this code is being called within the extractThumbnail function.]

The elements you are trying to access have not been added to the DOM yet - they haven't even been included in the string that you are constructing to eventually place into the document.

One potential solution is to create strings within the extractThumbnail function which can later be appended to the HTML being constructed. For instance, you could have a string representing the entire thumbnail img element - and if there's no thumbnail, make that string null. Create additional strings for styles like 'display: inline-flex;' and font-size. Then insert them into the HTML string gradually while calling the extractThumbnail function beforehand.

If the extractThumbnail function is utilized elsewhere, consider creating a separate version specific to this scenario with a distinct name to prevent interference with other parts of the code.

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