The CSS class is not properly implemented in the React component

I value your time and assistance. I have spent many hours trying to solve this issue but seem unable to reach a resolution.

Here is the React component in question:

import styles from './style.scss';

class ButtonComponent extends React.Component { 
  render() {
    return (
      <div className={styles.bunny}>
        hello world

Accompanied by the SCSS file:

.bunny {
  display: block;
  background-color: blue;

Upon loading my HTML, the div lacks its expected classname <div class="bunny">

If I directly include the class name within the React component like so:

<div className="bunny"> 

Then the classname appears as expected in the browser.

What could I be doing incorrectly here?

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Before proceeding, make sure to confirm its existence by typing: console.log(styles). It seems like there may be an issue with the way style.scss was imported.

Answer №2

To include your SCSS file, you can simply use the following import statement: import './styles.scss';

Webpack is responsible for bundling your stylesheets, allowing you to add class names as strings directly to your components.

<div className="unicorn">Hello Universe</div>

Answer №3

Encountered a comparable issue where the style file was mistakenly named as news.modules.scss instead of news.module.scss. Resolved the problem by simply renaming "modules" to "module" and successfully imported the file, allowing className to function properly.

Answer №4

To resolve the issue, I found success in renaming my scss file from main.scss to main.styles.scss

Answer №5

The reason behind this is that I utilize commonjs's require function to import an es module.

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