Is it possible to distinguish CSS for varying input types?

Is it possible to style input type=text/radio/checkbox elements differently using CSS?

I'm referring to ways other than just adding a class

Answer №1


Discover the power of attribute selectors:

input[type="email"] { font-size: 16px; }

Simply update the text to match your needs!

Keep in mind that these selectors are not compatible with IE6, so consider using IE7.js for support :)

Answer №2

One way to target elements is by using the attribute selector, such as:

input[type=text] { ... }

Keep in mind that this method may not work in all browsers. The more reliable approach is to use a specific class for styling

Answer №3

One way to achieve this is by utilizing the selector input[type=text]. It's worth noting that some older web browsers may not fully support this method.

Answer №4


For example:

/*execute a specific action*/


input[type="text"] {
font:bold 10px/12px verdana,arial,serif;
input[type="button"],input[type="submit"] {
/*you have the idea */

Answer №5

Try using input[type="text"] for text inputs

Answer №6

If you want to target a specific type of input for styling, you can use the following CSS selector:

input[type="Your desired input type"]

Answer №7

In all my experiences, I have yet to come across a situation where this was successfully executed (even after attempting it myself). My theory is that one would need to utilize JavaScript/jQuery to dynamically alter the classes of elements based on their attribute values after the page has been rendered.

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