Incorporate a platform-specific button in a user interface with React Native

I need to display a button that is only shown on iOS, not on android. I have tried using the following style, but it doesn't seem to be working.{
  android: {


The code for my button is:

      <Icon name="arrow-back" />

Answer №1

If you want to specifically add a button component for iOS platform, you can do so by following this code snippet:

    return (
              {Platform.OS == "ios" && 
              <Button onPress= {this.onPressHandler}> 

This will ensure that the button component is only displayed on iOS devices.

Answer №2

When working with react-native, you won't find a styling option labeled display: "none". Instead, you need to consider the platform and make a decision on whether or not to render. One way to achieve this is by using the following approach:

 {Platform.OS == "ios" && 
   <Button onPress= {this.onPressHandler}> 

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