Does Google's caching process differ when using <span> tags instead of <h> tags for headings?

Does the choice between using <span class="heading"> and <h> tags impact search engine optimization for Google?

As I'm constructing a website, I decided to style the headings and subheadings with <span>. However, I began to wonder if Google will be able to recognize them without the <h1> tag.

Should I stick with using

<span class="main-heading">
like this: Text here? Or should I opt for <h1> like this: Heading?

Answer №1

When it comes to design and development, the choice of tags may not seem important.

However, in terms of SEO, there is a significant distinction between using <span> and <h> tags.

In general, <h> tags are preferred for SEO purposes. Search engines give more weight to content within <h> tags compared to <span>. If your text is wrapped in an <h> tag, search engines will likely index it as a prominent title.

For more information, you can visit THIS SITE.

If you prefer to use <h> tags with minimal changes, you can follow this approach:


    <span class="main-heading"></span>
    <span class="sub-heading"></span>


h1, .main-heading { font-size:30px; }
h2, .sub-heading { font-size:26px; }

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