I am facing difficulties with invoking the popOpen() function within my parameters in JS, HTML, and CSS

I'm currently facing an issue with my code. I am attempting to invoke my openPop() function with the input parameter 'pop' within some of my sensor code, but no pop-up is appearing even though I believe I am calling the popup correctly. If anyone can provide assistance, I would greatly appreciate it. Here is the snippet of my code:

// code snippet goes here 

Due to space constraints, I am unable to include all my code here. You can access my complete code on my Codepen profile: Codepen Link

Answer №1

Alright, I had a breakthrough!
I ended up finding the solution on my own, but feel free to chime in with your thoughts!
Basically, I created a new modal and linked it back to the original one.
Using methods like getElementById, classList.add(''), and adjusting opacity helped me achieve the desired effect of making the element visible when 'active' class was added to it.
Take a look at a snippet of the code snippet I utilized for the process:

function openPosition () {

function closePosition () {

popButton.addEventListener('click', closePosition);


Here is a helpful link to explore further:
for more comprehensive details

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