section element is not receiving styles from the specified class

Whenever I want to ensure that a class is only used on specific elements, I usually prefix it with the element name. For example, using div.className limits the className styling to just div elements. However, when I tried the same approach with a section tag, the styles were ignored. Is it not possible to restrict styles to section tags in the same way?


        section.about {
            &__points {
                padding-bottom: 150px;
                li {
                    padding: 10px 6% 10px 10px;
                    box-sizing: border-box;
                    width: 46%;
                    margin-right: 1%;
                    text-align: right;
                    list-style-type: none;
                    display: inline-block;
                    float: left;
                    position: relative;
                    margin: 10px 0;
                    margin-right: 1%;
                    h2 {
                        color: #fff;
                        text-transform: uppercase;
                        margin: 15px 0px;


        <div class="main-wrap">
            <section class="about">
                <h1>About <span>Us</span></h1>
                <p>Who are we at Mobile Paint Solutions, and what do we provide.</p>

Output CSS:

        header #hdr-nav nav a:before,
        body.nav-open #side-menu-icon:hover .bars:before{

Answer №1

The CSS you have generates...


...a list, not a section as intended.

To fix this issue, update your LESS code to...

            // Add additional rules here...

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