The margin persists despite the usage of the * selector and !important declaration

I'm currently working on a website built upon this template:

My issue arises when trying to remove margins in multiple sections. For instance, I want to eliminate the 'orange' areas of the Gallery section, as indicated by Chrome's developer tools:

In my attempts to troubleshoot, I inserted

* {
    margin:0 !important;
    padding:0 !important;  

into both style.css and bootstrap.css in hopes of temporarily eliminating margins for investigation purposes. However, this only resulted in shifting the left margin to the right:

This led me to suspect that React might be overriding my CSS styles; is there a way for me to prevent React from applying margins to specific components? Being new to React, I can't seem to find a solution tailored to my predicament. Your help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

Answer №1

By following Nick Vu's advice and including width: 100vw; in the container, I was able to successfully resolve my problem.

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