Acquire the content of a nested element using jQuery

I have a navigation list with separate headlines and text for each item. The goal is to switch the main headline and paragraph of text when hovering over a navigation item.

CodePen Example

Currently, my code displays all text. I only want to display the H1 & P text within the class name .spot_titles:

To better illustrate what I'm aiming for:

When hovering over an item like Acne or Oiliness, the headline and text should change accordingly. This represents the active state and my desired outcome:


// Retrieving the original content
var main_url = $(".index__hero-image").css('background-image');
var main_title = $(".index__hero-image h1").text();
var main_text = $(".index__hero-image p").text();

$(".index__spot").hover(function () {
  var image_url = $(this).css('background-image');
  // Adjusting the variables here may be needed.
  var spottitle = $(this).text();
  var spottext = $(this).text();

  $(".index__hero-image").css('background-image', image_url);
  $(".index__hero-image h1").text(spottitle);
  $(".index__hero-image p").text(spottext);
function() {
  // Reverting to original content when not hovered
  $(".index__hero-image").css('background-image', main_url);
  $(".index__hero-image h1").text(main_title);
  $(".index__hero-image p").text(main_text);


<div class=" index__text-block">
  <h1>Original headline</h1>
  <p>Original text block goes here</p>

<div class="solutions-bar">
<a href="acne.html" class="index__spot" style="background-image: url('');">
<!-- Ignore next 3 lines / Create the icon in the link list -->
<img src="icon.png">
<h6 class="content-1">Acne</h6>
<h6 class="content-2">Shop Now</h6>

<!-- Use this text to replace that in index__text-block -->
<div class="spot_titles">
  <h1>Acne headline</h1>
    Some text related to acne

Answer ā„–1

Revise these lines:

var spottitle = $(this).text();
var spottext = $(this).text();

to the following:

var spottitle = $(this).find('.spot_titles h1').text();
var spottext = $(this).find('.spot_titles p').text();

This code will retrieve the content of h1 inside the .spot_titles element and the content of p within .spot_titles.

You can learn more about the find() method by visiting the jQuery API Documentation.

Answer ā„–2

When targeting the child element text, it is recommended to utilize .find() with a valid selector.

// It appears that these variables below are incorrect.
var spottitle = $(this).find('.spot_titles h1').text();
var spottext = $(this).find('.spot_titles p').text();


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