Prevent the link from stretching to cover the entire width of the page

I'm looking for a solution that can consistently restrict the clickable link area to just the text within my h2 element. The problem arises when the space to the right of the text is mistakenly included in the clickable region.

Here's an example:


 <a href="#p1">
     <h2 class="page services">xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</h2>

css: {
    font-size: 16px;

Check out the demo here:

Note - I prefer solutions using only CSS and no JavaScript or jQuery. If there are responsive solutions available, even better. Thank you!

Answer №1

When structuring your HTML, it is recommended to place the <a> tag inside the <h2> element. By default, headings have their display property set to block, causing them to take up all available horizontal space unless explicitly specified. Placing the link inside the heading ensures that only the text itself is wrapped by the hyperlink, rather than the entire heading being linked.

<h2 class="page services"><a href="#p1">xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</a></h2>

Answer №2

To prevent expansion, use the following CSS: {
        font-size: 16px;
        display: inline-block;

Learn about the display and position properties. DISPLAY

POSITION To style: you can use

/*this will style any element with a class of services*/
.services a{
/*this will style any anchor inside an element with a class of services*/ 

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