Creating a sort button in HTML that can efficiently sort various divs within a table is a useful tool for enhancing user experience

My HTML table is populated with various <td> elements. How can I arrange these divs based on IMDb rating, TomatoMeter, etc... [ CSS code is not provided below ]

  <tr class="row">
    <td class="column">
          <mark class="names">INTERSTELLAR</mark><br>
          <span><mark class="names">CHRISTOPHER NOLAN,2014</mark></span><br>
          <span><mark>US | Sci-Fi/Adventure</mark></span>
        <div class="rating">
            <a href="" target="_blank"><img title="IMDB Rating" alt="IMDB" src="" class="imdb-img"></a>
            <a href=""><img title="Rotten Meter" alt="Rotten Tomatoes" src="" class="imdb-img"></a>
            <a href=""><img title="MetaScore" alt="MetaCritic" src="" class="imdb-img"></a>
            <img title="Audience Rating" alt="Google Rating" src="" class="imdb-img">
            <span class="imdb-rate">8.6</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="imdb-rate">72%</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;
            <span class="imdb-rate">74%</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="imdb-rate">92%</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;

    <td class="column">
          <mark class="names">INTERN</mark><br>
          <span><mark class="names">CHRISTOPHER NOLAN,2014</mark></span><br>
          <span><mark>US | Sci-Fi/Adventure</mark></span>
        <div class="rating">
            <a href="" target="_blank"><img title="IMDB Rating" alt="IMDB" src="" class="imdb-img"></a>
            <a href=""><img title="Rotten Meter" alt="Rotten Tomatoes" src="" class="imdb-img"></a>
            <a href=""><img title="MetaScore" alt="MetaCritic" src="" class="imdb-img"></a>
            <img title="Audience Rating" alt="Google Rating" src="" class="imdb-img">
            <span class="imdb-rate">5.6</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="imdb-rate">70%</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;
            <span class="imdb-rate">54%</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="imdb-rate">91%</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;

TLDR; Numerous cells have varying IMDB, TomatoMeter... values. How do I organize (descending order) these cells based on these values?

Answer №1

To achieve this, you will need the following JavaScript:

  1. A method for selecting all elements of a specific type or class - querySelectorAll
  2. A way to sort an array based on a value or function - array.sort

In essence, you should gather all rows in the table, iterate through each column within the row while keeping track of their ratings, and then sort based on the desired rating.

Refer to the comments in the provided code for further clarification.

// Specify the rating you want to use for sorting (0=IMDB, 1=Rotten Tomatoes, etc.)
let rating = 0;

// Get a collection of all rows in the table
const rows = document.querySelectorAll('row');
let rowno, columnno; // Variables to track current row and column numbers

// Iterate over each row
for (rowno=0; rowno < rows.length; rowno++) {
  let row = rows[rowno];
// Array to store columns and their ratings
  let list = [];
// Get all columns (td elements) for this row 
  let columns = row.querySelectorAll('td');
// Iterate over all columns
  for (columnno = 0; columnno < columns.length; columnno++) {
    let column = columns[columnno];
    let ratings = column.querySelectorAll('.imdb-rate'); // Retrieve the four ratings for this column
// Store the column (td element) and its ratings
    list.push({'column': column, 'ratings': ratings});
// Now we have all the ratings for each column in this row
// Sort the array by rating in descending order
  list.sort(function (a, b) {
    if (a.ratings[rating].innerHTML.replace('%', '') < b.ratings[rating].innerHTML.replace('%', '')) return 1;
    if (a.ratings[rating].innerHTML.replace('%', '') > b.ratings[rating].innerHTML.replace('%', '')) return -1;
    return 0;

// Rewrite the contents of the current row
  for (columnno = 0; columnno < list.length; columnno++) {
  <tr class="row">
    <td class="column">
          <mark class="names">INTERSTELLAR</mark><br>
          <span><mark class="names">CHRISTOPHER NOLAN,2014</mark></span><br>
          <span><mark>US | Sci-Fi/Adventure</mark></span>
        <div class="rating">
            <a href="" target="_blank"><img title="IMDB Rating" alt="IMDB" src="" class="imdb-img"></a>
            <a href=""><img title="Rotten Meter" alt="Rotten Tomatoes" src="" class="imdb-img"></a>
            <a href=""><img title="MetaScore" alt="MetaCritic" src="" class="imdb-img"></a>
            <img title="Audience Rating" alt="Google Rating" src="" class="imdb-img">
            <span class="imdb-rate">8.6</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="imdb-rate">72%</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;
            <span class="imdb-rate">74%</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="imdb-rate">92%</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;

    <td class="column">
          <mark class="names">INTERN</mark><br>
          <span><mark class="names">CHRISTOPHER NOLAN,2014</mark></span><br>
          <span><mark>US | Sci-Fi/Adventure</mark></span>
        <div class="rating">
            <a href="" target="_blank"><img title="IMDB Rating" alt="IMDB" src="" class="imdb-img"></a>
            <a href=""><img title="Rotten Meter" alt="Rotten Tomatoes" src="" class="imdb-img"></a>
            <a href=""><img title="MetaScore" alt="MetaCritic" src="" class="imdb-img"></a>
            <img title="Audience Rating" alt="Google Rating" src="" class="imdb-img">
            <span class="imdb-rate">5.6</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="imdb-rate">70%</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;
            <span class="imdb-rate">54%</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="imdb-rate">91%</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;

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