Unable to reduce the height of the li element

Even though I've attempted to adjust the height of the lis in this section using CSS, I can't seem to shorten them as desired:

I've experimented with setting a line-height, adjusting the height, ensuring that paddings and margins are set to 0...but nothing seems to work. What could be causing the extra space above and below the text? It's not the a tag inside the li. Can anyone help me solve this puzzle?

Answer №1

You have two instances of the line-height property in your CSS that require attention:

1) In style.css (on line 251)

#primary-menu ul{
    line-height: 33px;

2) In style.css (on line 204)

#primary-menu ul a{
    font: bold 12px/33px 'Merriweather', serif;

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