An HTML table featuring rows and columns that can be adjusted in size separately from the content within each cell

Looking to create an HTML table where the columns and rows can be sized independently of the cell content? If a row or column isn't large enough to display all the content, it should simply overflow behind the cell. A solution was found that worked in some browsers but not all:

th, td {
    position: relative;
    overflow: hidden;

td > span {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0px;

th > div {
    position: relative;

This approach works well in Chrome, Opera, Safari, and IE, but Firefox doesn't seem to cooperate. In Firefox, the relative positioning is ignored for cells (td's), causing issues with content placement. The problem arises because Firefox does not support position:relative on table cells - a known issue.

Various workarounds were attempted, such as using position:static on table cells or adjusting table layout properties. These solutions had mixed results and behavior inconsistencies across different browsers. Implementing these fixes may not be perfect, but they offer potential alternatives for those facing similar challenges.

Answer №1

While using Firefox, it's important to note that position:relative does not work on table elements. Check out this answer for more information: Does Firefox support position: relative on table elements?

An alternative solution is to populate all table cells with divs that have a relative position. The downside is having to individually size each of these divs. You can simplify the process with some clever CSS like this:

  .atable th:nth-child(3) > div,
  .atable td:nth-child(3) > div {
    width: 25px;

  .atable tr:nth-child(3) div {
    height: 10px;

For a demonstration, you can view an example here:

Another approach would be to assign classes to the divs representing each row and column:

Check out this implementation here:

Both methods may not be the most elegant, but they are effective in making things work smoothly in Firefox.

Answer №2

Creating customized tables using a combination of divs and images can provide the benefit of full stackability.

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