Tips on how to eliminate focus after choosing a radio button in Angular Material?

This is a snippet from my HTML template file, which includes two Angular Material radio buttons. My goal is to disable the focus on the rings quickly after selecting any radio button.

<div id="login-form" class="vh-100 overflow-auto">
        <mat-horizontal-stepper [@.disabled]="true" labelPosition="bottom" [linear]="true" #stepper>
                    <div class="header">
                        <div class="">
                            <span>Login to your Account </span>


                    <div id="content" class="p-0">
                            <legend class="Input-legend">Login Using</legend>
                            <mat-radio-group aria-label="Select an option" class="radio-btn-container">
                                <mat-radio-button class="my-2" value="1"
                                <mat-radio-button class="my-1" value="2"><span>

                            <mat-divider class="mat-div1"></mat-divider>

                            <div class="continue-btn-holder">
                                <div class="temp"></div>
                                <button class="continue-btn">Continue</button>

                            <mat-divider class="mat-div2"></mat-divider>


This is a portion of my CSS file

/* CSS code for radio buttons */
  .mat-radio-outer-circle {
  border-color: #379aaf !important;

/* Other CSS styles */

Ts file does not have any specific code

I am looking for a solution where the outer circle's focus gets disabled quickly after selecting any radio button. I have done some research but haven't found a suitable solution yet.

Answer №1

When it comes to the focus event, CSS alone cannot change the focus. To achieve this, Javascript must be used, as demonstrated in the following template:

     aria-label="Select an option" 

Additionally, setting a template variable for the "Continue" button and calling focus on it might be helpful. Here's how you can do that:

<mat-radio-group (change)=button.focus()>...</mat-radio-group>
<button #button>Continue></button>

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