Issue with the MUI Autocomplete display in my form

Recently, I started using Material UI and Tailwind CSS for my project. However, I encountered an issue with the Autocomplete component where the input overlaps with the following DatePicker when there is multiple data in the Autocomplete. I have attached a screenshot that illustrates the problem:

Additionally, here is the code snippet from LfProjectModal.tsx:

"use client"

import * as React from "react"

Furthermore, below is the code snippet from LfMultiSelectInput.tsx:

"use client"

import * as React from "react"

I appreciate any assistance in resolving this matter!

Answer №1

Great news! The issue you were encountering with the Autocomplete component overlapping the DatePicker has been successfully resolved. Let me provide a quick overview of how we tackled this problem:

The root cause of the issue was that the Autocomplete component's Chips were overlapping with the DatePicker. To address this issue, I implemented a solution using the Material-UI Box component to wrap the Chip elements. This Box is styled with specific attributes like display: flex, flexWrap: no-wrap, and gap: 0.5 to ensure proper positioning of the Chips without any overlap.

Below is the updated code snippet for reference:

    display: "flex",
    flexWrap: "no-wrap",
    gap: 0.5,
    position: "relative",
  {/* ... loop through and render the Chip components here */}

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