Update the class name by utilizing template literals

I'm currently in the process of mastering template literals as I have a project where I need to utilize them. However, I seem to be encountering an issue that I can't quite figure out.

Here is the code that is currently working:

const classes = props.classes;

return (



The question I have is how can I convert the className using template literals?

This is my attempted solution:

 const classes = props.classes;

  return (
       className={` ${classes + ".selectionList__sites"} `}`

Here is my selectionList__sites styling:

 selectionList__sites: {
      backgroundColor: "white",
      "&:hover": {
        backgroundColor: "red",
        color: "black",
        border: "1px solid yellow",

English is not my native language, so there may be some errors in my writing.

Answer №1

Template literals eliminate the necessity for traditional quotation marks within them. Basically, everything enclosed between backticks is treated as a string, except for any values inside ${}.

If we make the assumption that props.classes is a string, then the suggested way to write your className would be:


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