HTML - maintain centered text positioning while implementing padding on the left side

Here are the HTML and CSS code snippets I am working with:

#page {
  background-color: #000;
  color: #fff;
  height: 360px;
  width: 360px;
  min-height: 100%;

#viewport {
  font-size: 20pt;
  text-align: center;

.taskTitle {
  height: 13%;
  font-weight: bold;
  font-size: 30pt;
  white-space: nowrap;
  display: inline-block;

.taskNote {
  color: gray;
  white-space: nowrap;
<div id="page">
  <div id="viewport">
    <div id="task-view">

      <div style="width: 100%; background-color: aqua; position: relative;">
        <img style="background-color: blue; position: absolute; left :0%; top: 50%; transform: translate(-0%, -50%);" src="./image/tw_btn_radio_holo_dark.png"></img>
        <div style="width: 100%; background-color: red;">
          <div class="taskTitle" id="taskTitle1" style="background-color: green; width: 100%">Long text overlays picture :(</div>
          <div class="taskNote" id="taskNote1">My Note 1</div>


      <div style="width: 100%; background-color: orange; position: relative;">
        <img style="background-color: blue; position: absolute; left :0%; top: 50%; transform: translate(-0%, -50%);" src="./image/tw_btn_radio_holo_dark.png"></img>
        <div style="width: 100%; background-color: red;">
          <div style="background-color: green;" class="taskTitle" id="taskTitle2">Short</div>
          <div class="taskNote" id="taskNote2">Short text should always centerd in page!</div>

I have some requirements for the layout:

  • The picture should always be displayed on the left side of the screen
  • The picture should always be vertically centered in its parent div
  • The text (Title and Note) should always be centered on the screen
  • The text should not overlap with the picture

How can I achieve these layout specifications?

Answer №1

To avoid overlay, try setting z-index:100; for the picture and z-index:50; for the text.

For centering content, you can use <center></center> or

margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;

If you want the picture to be on the left side, use left:0; or float:left;

I hope this advice is helpful!

Answer №2

If your text is overflowing the image, you can use the following CSS:

.taskTitle {
    overflow: hidden;

Apply the same to the taskNote class to adjust the font-size to fit its parent container.

To learn more about alignment and positioning in CSS, check out this informative article by Chris Coyier on

If you have multiple questions, break them down into separate inquiries for easier troubleshooting. Best of luck!

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